Friday 20 May 2016

General Knowledge Questions and Answers

1. Which crop is sown on the largest area in India?
A.  Rice
B.  Wheat
C.  Sugarcane
D.  Maize
Answer : A.  Rice

2. The value of Gold is determined in
A.  Rome
B.  Washington
C.  Teheran
D.  London
Answer : D.  London

3. The state which has the largest number of sugar mills in India is
A.  Bihar
B.  Haryana
C.  Punjab
D.  Uttar Pradesh
Answer : D.  Uttar Pradesh

4. First University in India was founded at
A.  Bombay
B.  Chennai
C.  Calcutta
D.  Delhi
Answer : C.  Calcutta

5. Tajmahal is on the banks of
A.  Ganges
B.  Jamuna
C.  Tapti
D.  Cauvery
Answer : B.  Jamuna

6. The currency notes are printed in
A.  New Delhi
B.  Nasik
C.  Nagpur
D.  Bombay
Answer : B.  Nasik

7. Which is the Land of the Rising Sun?
A.  Japan
B.  Australia
C.  China
D.  Taiwan
Answer : A.  Japan

8. The largest ocean in the world is
A.  The Indian Ocean
B.  The Antarctic
C.  The Atlantic Ocean
D.  The Pacific Ocean
Answer : D.  The Pacific Ocean

9. Kalahari Desert is in
A.  India
B.  Chile
C.  South Africa
D.  Saudi Arabia
Answer : C.  South Africa

10. Mica is available abundantly in
A.  Bihar
B.  Haryana
C.  Karnataka
D.  Rajasthan
Answer : A.  Bihar

Wednesday 4 May 2016

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